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Nemo Tile Penny Rounds French Vanilla Gloss 12" x 12" Tile

$4.38 / sqft $43.80 box 10 sqft/box 10 pcs / box

Project Specs

Sqft per Box 10
Number of boxes 1
Total Price: $43.80

Product Details

Give your room a bold impact with this classic design. The Nemo penny round tiles come in a glossy finish. The penny rounds are mounted in a 12" x 12" mesh, making it a versatile and timeless design that can complement any room and can be used on both floors and walls.

Brand: Nemo Tile Company

Size: 3/4 inch rounds on 12" x 12" sheets

Color: French Vanilla Gloss

10 s/f / box

10 pieces per box

Sold in Square Feet. Whole boxes only.



Pickup Location: 90 Triangle Blvd Carlstadt NJ 07072